Ways to Recognize WhatsApp Spam (And What to Do About It)
WhatsApp has quickly become one of the most widely used messaging platforms around the world. With over two billion users, it’s easy to understand why. However, this also makes it a prime target for spammers, who have become increasingly sophisticated in their attempts to scam unsuspecting users. Here’s how to recognize WhatsApp spam and what you can do about it.
1. Unsolicited Messages or Calls:
One of the most common forms of WhatsApp spam is the unsolicited message or call. Spammers can get your number from a variety of sources and send you messages or call you without your consent. A simple way to identify such messages is by reading the introductory sentence in detail before clicking on any attachment or link. Also, check the sender’s number and if it’s not a contact of yours, beware of phishing messages.
2. Unknown or suspicious links:
Spammers often send messages containing unknown or suspicious links that can install malware on your device or steal your personal information. Be wary of messages or links that claim to offer deals, discounts or opportunities that sound too good to be true. Additionally, malicious links can have subtle differences in their web address, so be sure to double-check the spelling before clicking.
3. Message Content:
Spammers often use language designed to create a sense of urgency or panic in their victim. They may pretend to be from an authoritative advisory with sudden news, but it’s important to investigate such news from other sources by doing your own research to confirm the truthfulness of the information. If it requires any financial information, be sure to confirm it through a different channel before making any payment.
4. Unusual Contact Requests:
It’s important to remember that if a random contact request appears to be from a popular business, celebrity or public figure, it could be a phishing attempt. Genuine popular public figures can have a verified badge on their profile, so be sure to check this on their page to verify its legitimacy. Likewise, scrutinize a contact’s profile carefully and be sure to report it if anything seems off.
What to do About WhatsApp Spam?
If you suspect that a message or call may be spam, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Here are some things you can do:
1. Block the contact immediately to prevent further spam messages or calls.
2. Avoid clicking on any unknown links or attachments sent by strangers.
3. Report the spam message to WhatsApp by visiting the message details and selecting ‘Report’ from the options list or contact their support team through the app.
4. Use two-factor authentication and complex passwords, which strengthen the security of your WhatsApp account and prevent hacking.