Net User Command (Examples, Options, Switches, & More)
As a computer user, you may have heard of the Net User Command, but few people understand its full potential. This powerful feature allows users to create and manage user accounts on their computer or networking system. In this article, we will explore the Net User Command: its examples, options, switches, and more.
What is the Net User Command?
The Net User Command is a feature that allows users to manage user accounts on their computer or networking system through the command prompt. It enables individuals to create, delete, or modify user accounts, including adding or removing passwords and changing account privileges.
Examples of Net User Command
1. To create a user account:
To create a user account, you first need to open the command prompt. Once the prompt is open, type the following command: net user username password /add. Replace the username and password with the desired information. For example, if you want to create a user called “John” with the password “12345”, the command will look like this: net user John 12345 /add.
2. To delete a user account:
To delete a user account, open the command prompt and type the following command: net user username /delete. Replace the username with the name of the account you want to delete. For example, if you want to delete the user account “Mary,” type net user Mary /delete.
3. To change a user account password:
To change a user account password, open the command prompt and type the following command: net user username new_password. Replace the username with the name of the account you want to change the password for and new_password with the desired password. For example, if you want to change the password for the user “Robert” to “9876,” type net user Robert 9876.
Options of Net User Command
1. /add: This option creates a new user account.
2. /delete: This option deletes an existing user account.
3. /passwordchg: This option allows you to change a user’s password.
4. /times: This option sets the times when a user can log on.
5. /active: This option activates or deactivates a user account.
6. /comment: This option adds comments or descriptions to a user account.
Switches of Net User Command
1. /domain: This switch allows you to specify the domain controller to use.
2. /logonpasswordchg: This switch allows users to change their own password when logging on.
3. /scriptpath: This switch specifies the path for user login scripts.
4. /homedir: This switch specifies the home directory for the user account.
5. /profilepath: This switch specifies the location of the user’s profile.
In conclusion, the Net User Command is a powerful feature that allows users to manage and control user accounts on their computer or networking system. Understanding its examples, options, and switches can help you become more efficient in managing user accounts, saving time and improving overall productivity.