How to Make a Phone Call Go Straight to Voicemail

With the right technique, you can easily make a phone call go straight to voicemail. Whether it’s to leave an urgent message or avoid a conversation, here’s how to do it.
Method 1: Use your phone’s settings
Many smartphones today come with advanced settings that let you route a call straight to voicemail, without having to download any third-party apps. Here’s how you can do it:
1. Open your phone’s contacts or dialer app.
2. Locate the person you want to send directly to voicemail.
3. Tap on their name to open the contact details.
4. Look for the “Send to Voicemail” option and toggle it on.
5. Save the changes and exit the contact details.
Now when you call that person, your call will automatically be sent to their voicemail.
Method 2: Use a third-party app
There are also several third-party apps available on both Android and iOS that let you send calls straight to voicemail. Some popular apps include AutoResponder for SMS and Call, Call Blocker, and YouMail. Here’s how to use them:
1. Visit your app store and download the app of your choice.
2. Open the app and follow the instructions to set it up.
3. Look for the option to send calls straight to voicemail and toggle it on.
4. Save the changes and exit the app.
Now you can make a phone call and send it straight to voicemail easily.
Method 3: Use the “Do Not Disturb” feature
Most smartphones come with a built-in “Do Not Disturb” feature that lets you send calls straight to voicemail. This feature is especially useful when you want to avoid being disturbed by calls during a meeting or at night.
1. Open your phone’s settings and look for the “Do Not Disturb” option.
2. Toggle it on and select the contacts you want to allow calls from.
3. Look for the “Allow Calls From” option and select “Favorites” or “No One.”
4. Save the changes and exit the settings.
Now, when someone calls you from a number that is not on your favorites list or is not an allowed contact, your phone will automatically send the call straight to voicemail.
In conclusion, there are several ways to make a phone call go straight to voicemail. Whether you choose to use your phone’s built-in settings, third-party apps, or the “Do Not Disturb” feature, it’s important to respect people’s privacy and not use this technique to avoid conversations. Use it responsibly and respectfully.