Working on a College Group Project: Everything You Need to Know

Group projects are useful for building experience and gaining valuable skills. It’s full of bumps, and there will be times when your cooperation skills are pushed to their limits. Of course, when one or two members don’t contribute to the group, it’s a major headache for the others. It could result in the project being submitted late, and while it’s not your fault, it reflects badly on you all, nonetheless.
Fortunately, you can make your group project a roaring success. So, what can help your group project succeed?
Assign Roles to Each Member and Set Collective Goals
If you want to make your project a success, you need to assign roles and responsibilities to each team member. You’ll also need to set goals – all of which must be set out at the beginning. This prevents any confusion and difficulties later. Every member must familiarize themselves with their assignments and goals.
Always Complete Before the Deadline
Let’s say the deadline for the group project on the 1st of December. Instead of making that the group’s deadline, set yours to the 28th or 29th of December. It gives the group additional time just in case there are any issues, such as someone falling sick or getting behind in their tasks. There is also time to review the project and make any changes, if necessary. When you finish the project a day or two ahead of time, the group doesn’t get stressed out. Plus, it gives you a cushion.
Get Regular Updates
The project needs to run as smoothly as possible. Of course, this isn’t always possible, especially when there are delays or a member runs into a stumbling block. That is why you need to have regular updates. For instance, set the 1st, 15th, and 30th as the days the team comes together and provides updates. This gives each member ample time to work on their part and ensures things run to plan. It also allows the team to help those who might be struggling.
Always Have a Day to Review the Project
When you have a group project, certain elements can be a little disconnected. It is to be expected and is partly down to the fact there have been several people working on the project. So, before you submit the project, you need to review it. It’s important to ask someone outside the group to review the project; that gives you an unbiased view. For instance, ask a professor. They can give an honest opinion on the project and highlight issues that need to be addressed.
Speak to the Professor When Members Don’t Do Their Share
Let’s be honest, some students will pull their weight and others won’t. While you don’t want to, you need to report them to the professor. If you don’t want to name names, the professor could offer some advice on the matter. Of course, it’s not right for you to do double or triple the work and the others get credit for it. So, it’s a decision you and the other members must consider, especially when members refuse to lift a finger to help.
Make your Project a Success
It’s easy to say college group projects are fun; however, if you don’t pull your weight, it’s not fun for your team. There are ways to make the project successful, such as setting goals, assigning tasks, and setting an earlier deadline so you can make the necessary changes. You can succeed where others fail.