Teacher Time Savers for Google Classroom
One of the many perks of Google Classroom is the time it saves teachers. Here are just a few of the ways Classroom can help make a class more productive without adding additional time constraints for educators.
Formative Assessments
With Google Classroom, formative assessment has never been easier. Teachers can create a Google Form to utilize as a quiz which is automatically graded and saved to Classroom. Results can be exported to Sheets for teachers to gather data about the lesson. This feature can be accessed while viewing an assignment.
The question feature provides an additional way to create a quick exit ticket or thought-provoking question for students.
Differentiate Instruction
Differentiated instruction is easy with Classroom. One of the newest features allows teachers to assign work to individual students or groups of students based on need. When creating a new assignment, simply choose the check box next to the student(s) who should receive the assignment. Repeat the process as needed.
Translate for ELL Students
English Language Learners will have an easier time keeping up with the class with the Google Translate extension for Classroom. There is also a Translate feature embedded in Google Docs under Tools. These additional options can also help teachers communicate with ELL students and their parents despite language barriers.
Google Translate Extension Used in Google Docs
Built-in Translate Feature in Google Docs
Google Drive Search
Classroom files are saved in a “Classroom” folder in Google Drive. Files are sorted by Classroom name, assignment, and student name. Finding these files in Drive is already an easy task; however, the Drive search bar creates a quicker way to find student assignments. Simply type in a student’s name or the title of the assignment, and all results from Classroom files will appear in the search results.
Share to Classroom Extension
The Share to Classroom extension created by Google allows teachers to push web pages and web-based assignments to students instantly without switching to the Classroom app. This prevents students from having to waste time typing in long URLs. In order to use the push feature, students must also have the Share to Classroom extension. Students can use the extension to push web pages to the teacher as well.
Copy Posts for Reuse
Why waste time retyping the same post over and over? The Reuse Post feature of Classroom is an easy way to create an editable copy of past posts or posts from another Classroom owned by the teacher. Teachers can also choose to make copies of files and attachments from the original post.
Resources in One Place
From the Classwork tab, teachers can create a module which is reserved for posting all class resources. This keeps important documents such as the teacher’s syllabus, reading lists, and other important class resources in one place.
Immediate Feedback
When grading student work, teachers can use the new grading tool which makes switching between grades, comments, and submitted assignments quick and easy. From the grading interface, teachers can also leave feedback and save frequently used comments for future use.
Apps for Google Classroom
There are a vast number of apps available for download; however, not all of them work with Google Classroom. The Google for Education Classroom Partners page lists a few of these apps, and Googling #withClassroom will produce search results for hundreds of apps and other ideas for Classroom.