What YouTube Channels Are Elementary School Students Watching?

As the parent of an elementary school-aged child, it is essential for you to understand the impact that social platforms will have on your son or daughter during their most crucial developmental stages. This is especially true in regards to YouTube.
YouTube has become the primary source of entertainment for the vast majority of elementary-school-aged children. According to several recent studies, K-6 students spend more time on YouTube each day than on all other social platforms combined.
With that in mind, we thought it would be beneficial to give you an overview of the YouTube channels your children are likely already watching. If you bring even one of the following channels up to your elementary school-aged child, you’ve likely found a conversation starter that could get them talking about their own viewing habits.
1) PewDiePie
PewDiePie has the single biggest subscriber base on the entire YouTube platform. If your child has any interest in video games, they likely follow PewDiePie. Be forewarned, though – PewDiePie has gotten himself into hot water on multiple occasions for controversial videos and off-script moments.
2) NigaHiga
The 28-year Hawaiian YouTube sensation does his very best to keep his comedy skits “PG” for his younger audience members. Boasting a top-30 subscriber base on YouTube, Ryan Higa’s hilarious antics are the talk of many an elementary school playground.
3) Zoella
Zoe Elisabeth Sugg has become an icon of the beauty-lifestyle YouTube genre. This is especially true among older elementary school children and middle schoolers who empathize with her open approach to discussing her own personal battles with anxiety and body issues.
4) Shane Dawson
A viral sensation who caters extremely well to younger viewers, Shane Dawson has parlayed a popular set of music video parodies into his own music career. His comedy sketches and celebrity impersonations have been shared countless times by elementary school students all over the world.
The most popular educational YouTube channel when it comes to its subscriber base of elementary school students, AsapSCIENCE succeeds where others fail by making science palatable for a younger set. The channel does this by approaching things in a simple and appealing way that takes the boredom out of learning for young viewers.
A nominee for an American Teen Choice award, Joey Graceffa’s vlog-based approach is a hit with older elementary school students. Mention his mini web series, “Storytellers,” and watch your child’s eyes light up! He’s also gained a viral following for his challenges with other popular YouTubers.
7) KSI
The second biggest gaming channel behind PewDiePie when it comes to cultivating an elementary school-aged audience, KSI is a true YouTube sensation. He’s used his cache as a YouTube star to conduct viral interviews with some of the most famous celebrities in the world, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
8) MyLifeAsEva
Originally a DIY video haven for younger viewers, MyLifeAsEva has morphed into a one-stop-shop for entertaining videos. This includes a wide variety of music videos, comedy sketches, and lifestyle videos that resonate with elementary school students.
Concluding Thoughts
The above list of YouTube channels is a who’s who of YouTube celebrities, especially in the eyes of elementary school students. Name drop a couple of these and you’ll undoubtedly learn a lot more about what your children are watching on YouTube and why.