What Is a Subnet? How Do You Calculate Subnets?

In today’s world, where the internet plays a crucial role in every aspect of our lives, understanding networking concepts has become crucial. A subnet is a fundamental aspect of networking, and it is essential to understand what it is and how to calculate subnets.
What Is a Subnet?
A subnet, short for subnetwork, is a smaller network created within a larger network. Subnets are created by breaking down a larger network into smaller networks, called subnets. Each subnet is identified by a unique IP address prefix, and devices within that subnet share a common IP address configuration.
Subnets are essential in large networks because they help manage network traffic, improve network performance, and increase network security. By creating subnets, network administrators can isolate traffic and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.
How Do You Calculate Subnets?
To calculate subnets, you need to understand the basics of IP addressing and subnetting. An IP address is divided into two parts: the network ID and the host ID. The network ID identifies the network, and the host ID identifies a specific device on that network.
Subnetting is the process of dividing a network into smaller networks. To subnet a network, you need to borrow bits from the host ID portion of the IP address and use them to create a subnet ID. The subnet ID identifies the specific subnet within the network.
Here is a step-by-step process for calculating subnets:
Step 1: Determine the network class
Before you can calculate subnets, you need to determine the network class of the IP address you are subnetting. There are four network classes: A, B, C, and D. Each network class has a different range of IP addresses. The network class determines how many bits you can borrow from the host ID for subnets.
Step 2: Determine the network ID
The network ID is the portion of the IP address that identifies the network. It is determined by the network class and the subnet mask. The subnet mask is a 32-bit number that identifies the portion of the IP address that represents the network ID.
Step 3: Determine the subnet mask
The subnet mask identifies the portion of the IP address that represents the network ID and the portion that represents the host ID. The subnet mask is expressed as a 32-bit binary number or as a dotted decimal notation.
Step 4: Determine the number of subnets
To determine the number of subnets you can create, count the number of bits you have borrowed from the host ID. The number of subnets is 2 to the power of the number of borrowed bits.
Step 5: Determine the number of hosts per subnet
To determine the number of hosts per subnet, count the number of bits that are left in the host ID portion of the IP address. The number of hosts per subnet is 2 to the power of the number of remaining bits minus 2.
Step 6: Determine the subnet ID
To determine the subnet ID for a device on the network, you need to perform a logical AND operation between the IP address and the subnet mask.