What is a Foreign Key?

A foreign key is a concept in database design that establishes a relationship between two tables within a database. In simple terms, a foreign key allows one table to reference a primary key from another table, creating a relationship between the two tables.
To understand foreign keys, it’s important to first understand primary keys. A primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a table. It’s used to uniquely identify each record in the table, and it’s typically an integer value that’s automatically generated by the database system. For example, in a table of customers, the primary key might be a unique customer ID number.
The purpose of a foreign key is to create a relationship between two tables based on their primary keys. For example, consider a database that includes two tables: one containing information about customers, and one containing information about orders. The customer table might have a primary key of customer ID, while the orders table might have a primary key of order ID.
To create a relationship between these two tables, the orders table might include a foreign key column that references the customer ID in the customer table. This establishes a relationship between the two tables so that the orders table knows which customer placed each order.
Foreign keys are essential for enforcing data integrity in a database. They ensure that only valid data is entered into a table by requiring that any foreign keys match a primary key in another table. This helps prevent errors and inconsistencies in the data, and it makes it easier to maintain and query the database over time.
In addition to ensuring data integrity, foreign keys can also help improve query performance in a database. By establishing relationships between tables, queries can be structured to join data from multiple tables, rather than performing separate queries for each table. This can make queries much faster and more efficient.
Overall, foreign keys are an important concept in database design that help establish relationships between tables and ensure data integrity. They are essential for creating well-structured, maintainable databases that can be easily queried over time.