What does the at sign mean in “@echo off “?

The “@” symbol, commonly known as the at sign, is widely recognized as a symbol used in email addresses. However, in the context of scripting, it is also used to indicate a specific command.
In the command “echo off,” the “@” symbol is placed before “echo,” thus creating the command “@echo off.” This command is typically used to suppress or hide any messages that may appear in the command prompt while a batch file is executing.
Essentially, the “@echo off” command tells the operating system to turn off the default echo behavior, which would normally display each command as it is executed on the screen. By suppressing these messages, the batch file can run more efficiently and without any unnecessary distractions for the user.
In addition, the at symbol can also be used as shorthand for the current directory. For example, “@cd /d %~dp0” would change the current directory to the directory where the batch file is located. This can be useful for avoiding errors or confusion when executing batch files in different directories.
Overall, the at symbol serves a specific purpose in the context of the “@echo off” command and as a shorthand for the current directory in batch file scripting. By understanding its function and application, users can create more effective and efficient batch files.