Using Tech to Make Sure All Students Succeed

21st century learning centers on promoting skills that prepare all students, regardless of their abilities, for real-life challenges. From learning how to collaborate and communicate with others to developing problem-solving skills, ed tech can help teachers more than ever create lessons that target the development of these important skills.
Given the popularity of student-centered approaches, teachers need to create individualized lessons that meet a variety of different student needs. Below you’ll find several great tech resources that help you efficiently and effectively create content that benefits students of all abilities.
Create Interactive Content with Pedagogue
It’s no surprise that students learn best when they are able to actively experience content and interact with material. Reach students more effectively by creating high-interest lessons with one of Pedagogue’s many interactive activities. From multiple choice to dictations to videos, teachers can design engaging content with just a few clicks. The goal is to make learning fun in order to engage students and help them develop confidence in their abilities. A link to a song on Youtube, for example, can be used in combination with multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, or even open-ended questions, all geared towards grabbing students’ attention by turning them into active consumers rather than passive watchers.
Tell Stories with Soundtrap
Students with processing issues can sometimes struggle reading and comprehending text. Writing in a journal, for example, may be a cumbersome task. That’s where Soundtrap comes. This site allows students to combine music and speech to create podcasts, transcribe speech, create music. and narrate stories. The possibilities for educators are endless, from assigning students to author news reports on current events to compiling a soundtrack for a fictional character.
Differentiate Instruction with MobyMax
MobyMax allows both educators and families to assess where students excel and where they could use skill improvement. Students are able to take quick, simple assessments in order to come up with an individualized plan that differentiates instruction for both gifted students and those in need of extra help. In addition to assessing learning gaps, MobyMax provides fun, engaging activities for students to fix those gaps and get back on track.
Connect with Parents via ClassTag
Study after study shows that strong family-school partnerships promote student success. For students in low-income schools, establishing a healthy relationship with school has proven even more important to students’ academic success. ClassTag provides teachers an easy way to build a bridge to families by facilitating communication through newsletters, videos, conferences, and more. Parents don’t need to remember another login to join—ClassTag will contact them through text, email, social media site, and more. By keeping the lines of communication with parents open, teachers can be sure to reach students of all levels.
Teach Self-Evaluation with Peergrade
Peer editing can be daunting for students and adults alike. The feelings evoked by reading one’s work aloud or sharing rough drafts and waiting for criticism can be overwhelming. Students often need to learn how to provide feedback beyond simple statements such as “that’s interesting.” They equally benefit from learning how to receive feedback and decide what changes, if any, need to be made. Peergrade provides a platform for students to share work and provide feedback anonymously. The thought is that by learning how to critique others’ work, students also learn how to evaluate their own writing.
Provide Reading and Writing Help with Voicedream
Students with learning differences, such as those who struggle to read and comprehend, can greatly benefit from tech like Voicedream. Students can listen to any text with Voicedream, from a short phrase to even the longest PDF. It also allows students to proofread their work by reading aloud their writing as they type, which can be beneficial for students of all abilities.
Teach Presentational Skills with Buncee
Most people fear public speaking. For students who have anxiety or who lack confidence, speaking in front of peers can be particularly nerve-wracking. And yet, we know how important presentational skills are for students of all ages. With Buncee, students ditch posterboards and show off their creativity by making presentations that use video, audio, text and more, with just a few clicks of a button. The thought is that by adding in their own personality to their content, students feel more confident sharing their work. Plus, as students view more interesting presentations, they engage more with the material and thus learn better.
Students of all levels and all abilities benefit from tech. From creating more interactive resources that increase engagement to providing reading, writing and proofreading help, ed tech can help teachers better serve students’ needs so that they reach their full potential.