The Right Way to Rename Notebooks in OneNote

OneNote is a powerful and versatile application that allows you to create and organize notes and information in a digital notebook. When you first start using OneNote, you may find yourself creating a lot of notebooks to keep all of your information organized. However, over time, you may find that you want to rename some of your notebooks to better reflect their contents.
Renaming a notebook in OneNote is a simple task, but there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you do it the right way. In this article, we’ll provide some tips on how to rename notebooks in OneNote.
1. Plan ahead
Before you start renaming your notebooks in OneNote, it’s a good idea to take a moment to plan ahead. Consider why you want to rename the notebook and what new name would best reflect its contents. Take into account any existing links or references to the old notebook name, and think about how you can update them.
2. Rename the notebook in OneNote
Once you’ve decided on a new name for your notebook, it’s time to rename it in OneNote. To do this, open the notebook you want to rename and click on the notebook name in the top left corner of the screen. This will allow you to edit the name of the notebook.
Type in the new name for the notebook and press Enter. OneNote will update the name of the notebook in the app’s interface and in the file system.
3. Update any links or references
After you’ve renamed your notebook, it’s important to update any links or references to the old name. This could include links to specific pages or sections within the notebook, as well as links from other documents and applications.
To update links within OneNote, simply find the link you want to update and edit the text to reflect the new notebook name. To update links outside of OneNote, you’ll need to manually update the link address in the relevant applications.
4. Consider sharing and collaboration
If you’re sharing your OneNote notebook with others, it’s important to take their needs into account when renaming the notebook. Make sure that everyone who needs access to the notebook is aware of the new name, and update any sharing links or permissions as needed.
If you’re collaborating with others on the notebook, it may be helpful to involve them in the renaming process to ensure that everyone is on the same page. This can also be a good opportunity to review the contents of the notebook and make any other necessary updates.
Overall, renaming a notebook in OneNote is a simple and straightforward process. However, taking some time to plan ahead, update links and references, and consider collaboration needs can help ensure a smooth transition to the new name.