The Best Cities for Ed Tech Entrepreneurs

The smartest ed tech entrepreneurs know that developing educational technology and selling it for profit involves much more than simply a “good idea.” There are major strategies involved – one key strategy is relocating to a city that is open to ed tech start-ups and entrepreneurs. And, let’s face it – not everyone can afford to live in Silicon Valley. Some cities are simply more affordable and more receptive. If you are serious about moving, here are the best cities for ed tech entrepreneurs.
Austin, Texas
Austin is quickly becoming one of the leading cities for ED tech startups that are transforming the future of education. Also, Texas is also home to major EdTech conventions, including the SXSW EDU Conference and Festival each year. Plus, Austin has a low cost of living.
Atlanta, Georgia
Another affordable and tech-saturated city is Atlanta, Georgia. In addition to several EdTech startups, Google’s Atlanta office is heavily focused on education. With great weather year-round and a public transit system, Atlanta is a solid option.
Seattle, Washington
Everyone knows Seattle has a major tech presence, but it is a great place for EdTech startups. Those in Seattle find others willing to collaborate and share ideas more readily. For instance, the Seattle Public Library hosted a startup weekend focused on education that included those in the tech industry and educators working together.
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles is positioning itself to be an EdTech hub with venture capitalists investing in EdTech start-ups and educators being more willing to be involved.
New York City, New York
New York is the current EdTech hub in the United States; however, the cost of living in NYC is higher than other cities. But, the chances of making it in ED tech is higher here than anywhere else in the country. According to an NYCEDC report, “Ed tech companies based in NYC offer increasingly high pay, have the most job opportunities, and were the subject of more business acquisitions than any other location including Silicon Valley, Boston, Los Angeles, and DC since 2000.”
Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore is quickly developing as a major city for EdTech as well. Within the last few years, the city has provided a home for several new EdTech companies. According to a 2017 report, “Recently, the Towson University Incubator (TU Incubator) hit a milestone of twenty (20) ed tech member companies.”
Chattanooga, Tennessee
While Chattanooga is not mentioned quite as often, it is a good choice for EdTech startups for several reasons. The cost of living is extremely affordable, it has America’s fastest internet, and it has an innovation district.
Ready for something new? The right city for your EdTech home is out there.