The 7 Best Pool Games for Offline Play
When it comes to enjoying a game of pool, nothing can beat the thrill of playing with your friends in an offline setting. Whether you’re an amateur or a seasoned pro, there are several exciting games you can play to mix up your routine. In this article, we will highlight the seven best pool games for offline play.
1. Eight Ball:
This classic game of pool is the most popular version played across the world. It is played with a cue ball and seven striped and solid-colored balls each. The objective of the game is to pot your balls (either stripes or solids) and then the 8-ball to win.
2. Nine Ball:
This game is played with nine balls numbered from one to nine. The objective of the game is to pot the balls in numerical order. The game is usually played on a smaller table and is more fast-paced than the eight-ball game.
3. Straight Pool:
This game is also known as 14.1 continuous and involves a player pocketing 14 balls in any order and scoring points for each ball potted. The 15th ball is racked, and the game continues until one player reaches a designated score.
4. Cutthroat:
This game is perfect for three players, and each player is assigned five balls to shoot. One player is assigned the solid balls, another player the stripes, and the third player the black ball. The goal is to eliminate all your opponent’s balls before they eliminate yours.
5. Bank Pool:
In this game, the players have to bank their balls off the table cushion to pot them. The objective is to score points by potting the ball in the designated pocket after banking off the cushion.
6. One Pocket:
This game is similar to Nine ball, but instead of potting balls in numerical order, each player is assigned one pocket where they have to pot all their balls to score points.
7. Snooker:
Snooker is a game played with 21 balls, including 15 unmarked red balls, six balls of different colors, a cue ball, and a black ball. The objective is to score points by potting the red balls and then the colored balls, with the black ball being the most difficult to pot.
In conclusion, playing pool offline can be a fun way to spend time with friends and family. With these seven pool games, you can elevate your gameplay and add a new dimension of excitement to your playtime. So, grab your cue stick, chalk up, and start potting those balls!