Regsvr32: What It Is & How to Register DLLs

Regsvr32 is a useful command-line tool for registering dynamic link libraries (DLLs) in the Windows operating system. It is widely used by developers and system administrators to load and unload DLLs, troubleshoot issues related to DLLs, and execute other administrative tasks.
What Is Regsvr32?
Regsvr32 stands for Register Server 32-bit, and it is a Windows command-line tool that allows the user to register and unregister DLLs and ActiveX controls in the system registry. The tool comes pre-installed in Windows OS, and it can be accessed from the command prompt or the Run dialogue box.
The primary purpose of Regsvr32 is to help Windows locate and properly load DLLs and ActiveX controls that are required by various programs to run smoothly. Whenever a program requires a DLL to function, it checks the registry to see if the DLL is registered. If the DLL is not registered, the application will fail to run, or it may produce errors or unexpected behaviour.
Therefore, it is important to ensure that all DLLs and ActiveX controls required by a program are properly registered on the system so that the program can access them without any hassle.
How to Register DLLs Using Regsvr32
To register a DLL using Regsvr32, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Open the command prompt by typing cmd in the Run dialogue box.
Step 2: Type “regsvr32 [path to the DLL]” and press enter.
For example, if the DLL is located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder, the command would be:
regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\Example.dll
Step 3: You should see a message confirming that the DLL was successfully registered.
Alternatively, you can unregister a DLL using the same command but with the /u flag, as shown below:
regsvr32 /u C:\Windows\System32\Example.dll
It is worth noting that the user must have administrator privileges to execute the above commands successfully.
Regsvr32 is a useful tool that facilitates the registration of DLLs and ActiveX controls in Windows. It is easy to use and can be a valuable troubleshooting tool when dealing with DLL-related issues. By following the steps listed above, developers and system administrators can register and unregister DLLs with ease.