Providing Foster Children with Better Educational Outcomes

Tiffany Haddish, the breakthrough comic sensation of 2018, frequently utilizes the grief and violence she experienced while in and out of foster care to content for her comedy performances. Her desire to be upfront and real has earned her a cult of dedicated admirers, and she discovered a way to utilize humor as a kind of therapy. However, life after aging out of the system is not a fairy tale for the approximately 518,00 American children in foster care.
Foster children have been taken from their biological parents or legal guardians and placed in state care for a variety of reasons. In the best-case scenario, these children will be reunited with their biological families or adopted. These children may be put in long-term foster care in the worst-case situation.
Foster children, unfortunately, are much more likely than the general populace to become homeless, jailed, or reliant on government assistance. Many foster children have a traumatic transition from foster care to adulthood, being tossed out once they reach legal age and forced to work out the rest independently. Many of them come from poorer academic backgrounds and have poorer standardized test results, as well as greater absenteeism, late, truancy, and dropout rates than their classmates.
How would you manage if you spent your younger years in foster care and were supposed to move to the actual world lacking practical skills, a shelter, or any kind of assistance or direction? Most of us here won’t stand a chance on our own and would most likely wind up in a homeless shelter or prison.
What Should the Government’s Course of Action be?
Government organizations and politicians should overhaul the foster care system to ensure that foster children receive top-notch services, access to higher education, and assistance while they are in the state. We must recognize that the most crucial thing they require is improved learning experiences, which will assist them in making an easier transition into the real world.
Lawmakers, on the other hand, must be aware of and address the challenges that foster children face in the educational and child welfare programs. Lack of consistency, continuously low expectations, a lack of adult support, poor life-skills training, instructor response to their special education requirements, and cultural sensitivity are some of the issues they face. To propose policies that increase educational chances for children in foster care, we must first thoroughly comprehend these difficulties.
Former foster children, in my opinion, should be given full scholarships to the institution of their preference. After everything these kids have gone through, the very least we can do is assist them to get a jump start in life by paying for their college education. They must strive to earn admittance and demonstrate appropriate development, but we should cover the costs as long as they do so.
They should also be given a stipend to cover the costs of accommodation, wardrobe, food, and other necessities while in college. Certainly, it may be costly, but consider what else is costly: imprisoning offenders and paying the welfare system. Instead of becoming inmates or welfare recipients, I would rather inspire former foster children to overcome their circumstances and become useful members of society.
Foster children have a difficult life ahead of them. They have a higher chance of having a bad life than the rest of the population. Adults who were in foster care as children are more likely to be homeless, jobless, and on welfare than the general population. They also have higher chances of being jailed, consuming drugs and alcohol, and having physical or psychological problems.
We owe it to them to help children grow up to be productive, well-adjusted people, and none of this is their mistake. Lawmakers and educational activists should work diligently to improve foster care children’s educational possibilities by broadening their alternatives. Foster children in the United States will benefit from higher educational attainment that will prepare them for a healthy transition to adulthood.