Pokemon Home: How to Transfer Your Pokemon Between Games

The world of Pokémon has been evolving rapidly, with new games and updates adding numerous features that enhance the overall gaming experience. One of these innovative additions is Pokémon Home, a cloud-based service designed to help players transfer their cherished Pokémon between multiple core series games. This article will guide you through the process of using Pokémon Home and provide valuable insights into making the most of this exciting platform.
What is Pokémon Home?
Introduced in February 2020, Pokémon Home is a centralized storage space developed to aid players in managing their collection of beloved creatures across multiple games. Compatible with Pokémon Sword and Shield, Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, as well as older titles through the Pokémon Bank (a previous generation’s paid storage service), Pokémon Home makes it easy to transfer your collection from one game to another.
How to Set Up and Use Pokémon Home
To begin transferring your Pokémon between games using this service, follow these steps:
1. Downloading and Installing:
First, download the free Pokémon Home application on your Nintendo Switch or mobile device (available for iOS and Android).
2. Linking Accounts:
To ensure compatibility across devices, link your Nintendo Account to both your Switch and mobile application.
3. Transferring from Different Games:
Transfers may vary slightly depending on which game you are playing. Here’s what you need to know for each:
a) Transferring from Pokémon Sword and Shield:
– On your Switch, open Pokémon Home.
– Open Pokémon Sword or Shield in a separate window.
– In the game menu, choose “Connect to Pokémon HOME” option.
– Select the specific boxes from Sword or Shield you would like to transfer.
– Move those boxes into the desired location within your HOME account.
b) Transferring from Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee:
– In Let’s Go Pikachu or Eevee, reach Fuchsia City’s GO Park.
– Choose the Transfer Pokémon option.
– Open the Pokémon Home app on your mobile device.
– Select the Send Pokémon option.
– Follow the steps using the mobile app and Switch game to send your desired creatures from Let’s Go to Pokémon
c) Transferring from 3DS games using Pokémon Bank:
– You need to subscribe to the paid Pokémon Home Premium Plan for access to this feature.
– On your 3DS, open Pokémon Bank.
– Transfer preferred Pokémon from your 3DS games (such as Sun and Moon or X and Y) to your Pokémon Bank account.
– Then, use a mobile device to transfer your banked collection to Pokémon Home through the “Move” option.
Things to Remember When Transferring
1. Be mindful of compatibility – not all Pokémon can be transferred or are available in certain games. Before moving them, make sure they’re available in the specific title.
2. Transfers are one-way – Once transferred from older games, these creatures can’t be returned. Consider carefully before moving them.
3. Some specific attributes may change – Certain moves or abilities might not be accessible upon transfer, so take note of any alterations before transferring valuable or competitive Pokémon.
Pokémon Home offers both convenience and added enjoyment for users, making it easy to manage and transfer your cherished collection between various games. By following this guide and being mindful of the important considerations, you can continue building an impressive lineup ready for any adventure within the world of Pokémon.