Pokemon Go Kartana Raid Guide: Best Counters and Weaknesses

If you’re a dedicated Pokemon Go player, you undoubtedly know how intense and exciting raids can be! Among the many raid bosses, Kartana is one of the most intriguing. In this guide, we’ll take a deep dive into understanding Kartana’s weaknesses and explore the best counters to defeat it in a raid.
Introduction to Kartana
Kartana is a Grass- and Steel-type Pokemon, introduced in Generation VII. It is native to the Alola region and is highly appreciated for its incredible attack stats. Known as an Ultra Beast, this elusive creature poses an intimidating threat to anyone attempting to take it down.
Given Kartana’s typing, it has three significant weaknesses that players must consider when selecting their team of counters. These weaknesses include:
1. Fire-type moves: Kartana’s combined Grass and Steel typing make it doubly weak against Fire-type moves. Any powerful Fire-type Pokemon can deal a significant amount of damage in battle against Kartana.
2. Fighting-type moves: Alongside its vulnerability to Fire-types, this Ultra Beast can also be worn down by Fighting-type moves.
3. Ground-type moves: Lastly, Ground-type moves are super effective against Kartana due to its Steel-typing.
Best Counters
When assembling your team to face off against Kartana in a raid, keep in mind its weaknesses mentioned above. Here are some suggested top-tier counters for taking on this deadly Ultra Beast:
1. Reshiram: Considered one of the best Fire-type Pokemon in the game, Reshiram can deal substantial damage to Kartana with its fire-based charge move Overheat.
2. Darmanitan (Galarian Standard/ Zen Mode): This Ice- and Fire-type Pokemon poses a considerable threat to Kartana due to its high attack stat and powerful fire attacks like Flare Blitz or Fire Fang.
3. Chandelure: With its Ghost- and Fire-typing and potent fire-based moves such as Fire Spin and Overheat, Chandelure makes an excellent candidate for dismantling Kartana’s defenses.
4. Blaziken: As a Fire- and Fighting-type Pokemon, Blaziken can take advantage of both of Kartana’s weaknesses with moves like Counter and Blaze Kick, or even the popular Community Day move Blast Burn.
5. Heatran: Featuring an expansive selection of powerful moves like Fire Spin, Flamethrower, or even the Ground-type move Earth Power, this legendary Pokemon makes quick work of Kartana’s weaknesses.
6. Excadrill: With access to powerful Ground-type attacks like Drill Run and Earthquake, Excadrill is an essential pick for your team against Kartana.
Facing off against a formidable Ultra Beast like Kartana is no easy task, but with the right counters in your team lineup and a solid understanding of its weaknesses, you’ll be well-equipped for the challenge. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations to find the winning strategy! Stay prepared and keep hunting – you’ll master the Kartana raid in no time. Good luck, trainers!