Pokemon Go Groudon Raid Guide: Best Counters, Weaknesses and Moveset

Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm since its release in 2016. One of the exciting aspects of the game is participating in Raid Battles, where trainers team up to take down powerful bosses. In this article, we’ll focus on how to defeat the Legendary Ground-type Pokemon, Groudon, and discuss its best counters, weaknesses, and moveset.
As a pure Ground-type Pokemon, Groudon’s primary weaknesses are Water, Ice, and Grass-types. Keeping this in mind will significantly increase your chances of defeating the powerful beast.
Best Counters
1. Kyogre: The Water-type Legendary Pokemon Kyogre is an excellent choice as it deals massive damage to Groudon with its Water-type moves. Utilizing Kyogre’s Waterfall and Surf moveset will be highly effective.
2. Swampert: Swampert’s Water and Ground typing allow it to resist some of Groudon’s Ground-type attacks. Use the moveset Mud Shot and Hydro Cannon for optimal performance in this raid.
3. Gyarados: This powerful Water/Flying-type also makes for a solid choice against Groudon. It is imperative to utilize its moveset of Waterfall and Hydro Pump for maximum effect.
4. Feraligatr: Another strong Water-type option is Feraligatr with its moveset of Waterfall and Hydro Cannon. This combination will deal consistent high damage to Groudon.
5. Mamoswine: As an Ice/Ground-type, Mamoswine capitalizes on one of Groudon’s weaknesses by utilizing its Powder Snow and Avalanche moveset.
6. Roserade: The Grass/Poison-type Roserade also exploits one of Groudon’s weaknesses – Grass types are highly effective here. The combination of Razor Leaf and Grass Knot will produce strong results.
Groudon’s Moveset
Groudon’s possible fast moves include:
– Mud Shot (Ground)
– Dragon Tail (Dragon)
Meanwhile, its charge moves are:
– Earthquake (Ground)
– Fire Blast (Fire)
– Solar Beam (Grass)
Remember that Groudon has a variety of moves at its disposal, so be prepared to adjust your team as needed.
Armed with this knowledge of Groudon’s weaknesses, best counters, and potential moveset, you will be well-equipped to take on this formidable foe in Pokemon Go. Assemble your team of powerful Water, Ice, or Grass-type Pokemon and coordinate with fellow trainers to claim victory in the Groudon raid. Good luck and happy hunting!