Pokemon Go Cresselia raids: Best counters, weaknesses and moves

Cresselia, the Lunar Pokemon, has once again emerged as a powerful raid boss to challenge trainers in Pokemon GO. A Psychic-type legendary from the Sinnoh region, Cresselia boasts a robust defense, making her a top-tier raid boss. If you’re looking to add this elegant creature to your roster, knowing its counters, weaknesses, and moves will help you prevail in battle.
As a pure Psychic-type Pokemon, Cresselia is weak against Bug-, Ghost-, and Dark-type moves. Exploiting these vulnerabilities gives you an edge in battle and increases your chances of winning.
Best Counters:
1. Darkrai – This Dark-type mythical powerhouse is arguably the best counter for Cresselia battles. Armed with Snarl and Shadow Ball or Dark Pulse as a charged move, Darkrai’s devastating offensive presence significantly shortens raid durations.
2. Giratina-Origin – The Ghost/Dragon-type legendary from the Distortion World also proves to be highly effective in overcoming Cresselia’s defenses. Giratina-Origin excels with Shadow Claw as its fast move and Shadow Ball as its charge move.
3. Weavile – As an Ice- and Dark-type Pokemon with an impressive attack stat, Weavile deals significant damage to Cresselia using Feint Attack (or Snarl) along with Foul Play. However, it’s more vulnerable than other primary counters due to its weaker defenses.
4. Chandelure – Another worthwhile option is the specter-like Fire/Ghost type Chandelure. Its Hex attack works well in combination with Shadow Ball charge move for combating Cresselia.
5. Tyranitar – Although not as impactful as other options on this list, Tyranitar is still effective against Cresselia. It should be equipped with Bite for its fast move and Crunch as its charge move.
Cresselia’s Moves:
Cresselia has a range of moves at her disposal, including:
Fast Moves:
– Psycho Cut (Psychic)
– Confusion (Psychic)
Charged Moves:
– Aurora Beam (Ice)
– Moonblast (Fairy)
– Future Sight (Psychic)
Remember that Cresselia’s defenses make it resilient. Therefore, battling alongside fellow trainers is always helpful. Gathering a raid group of 4 to 6 trainers with strong counters can take down Cresselia in a timely manner.
In Conclusion:
Leaving no room for doubt, catching Cresselia is an alluring prospect for any Pokemon collector. Utilize the above strategies concerning counters, weaknesses, and moves to ensure your victory against this legendary Psychic-type opponent in Pokemon GO raids. The moonlit glory of Cresselia awaits!