Note-Taking and Study Apps
Taking notes from discussions helps greatly in remembering important points raised and in aiding you to study for exams and other assessment activities. These apps can help you do that.
What It Is: Use Google Keep to store things like websites, images, quotes, and lists on color-coded “sticky” notes. It’s easy to share your notes with others, too, and keep everything synced across devices. Download via iOS and Android app stores.
What It Is: If you have an iPhone or iPad, this app comes standard. Ask Siri to start a new note for you, create folders to organize notes, create checklists and attachments, scan docs, and much more. This app is also great when you’re using an Apple Pen or any similar accessory if you want to scribble your notes. Only available on iOS devices.
What It Is: This app is available on pretty much any device you can think of, including Kindle. It also works on every web browser and operating system, so you’ll always have access to your notes no matter where you are. The generous free version gives you all the features you need. ClickUp is accessible on multiple devices.
What It Is: This is a note-taking app for those who love to sketch, draw, doodle, or take notes by hand. If you can do it on paper, you can do it in this app. Get this app for your iOS device.
What It Is: Let your phone take notes for you in class so you can give your full attention to your teacher. This app records voice notes and converts them into text so you can use them for study later. Very practical to use indeed. Available for download to your Android device.
What It Is: Otter Voice does the same type of speech-to-text transcription for iPhones and iPad. The free version gives you 600 minutes per month. This enables you to save the effort of writing down notes. Download viaiOS app store.
What It Is: Ready for a challenge? Take real college courses, for free, using this cool app. Find out what college classes are like and expand your knowledge at the same time. Great for students who are about to embark on the real world. Download this app in iOS, and Android versions.