How to Turn AutoComplete On or Off in Excel

AutoComplete is a useful feature in Microsoft Excel that helps users save time and avoid typing errors when entering repetitive data. It suggests and completes entries based on a few characters entered, offering a list of matching options from a range of cells. However, it can also be a nuisance to some users. For those who prefer to turn this feature off, here is a simple guide on how to turn AutoComplete on or off in Excel.
Turning AutoComplete On
AutoComplete is turned on by default in Excel. If it is not working, it might have been turned off. However, if you want to confirm that it is on, here is how to do it:
1. Click on the File tab and select Options from the drop-down menu.
2. In the Excel Options dialog box, click on the Advanced option in the left pane.
3. Scroll down to the Editing options section, and ensure that the Enable AutoComplete for Cell Values option is checked.
4. Click Ok to save the changes.
If AutoComplete is not working, you can try clearing the AutoComplete list or resetting the AutoComplete options as well.
Turning AutoComplete Off
If you prefer not to see AutoComplete suggestions while filling in your worksheets, follow these steps to turn it off:
1. Click on the File tab and select Options from the drop-down menu.
2. In the Excel Options dialog box, click on the Advanced option in the left pane.
3. Scroll down to the Editing options section, and uncheck the Enable AutoComplete for Cell Values option.
4. Click Ok to save the changes.
You should no longer see any suggestions from AutoComplete as you enter data.
Note that disabling this feature can slow down your work, as Excel will not offer suggestions when entering data. Therefore, it is advisable to use AutoComplete if you are not experiencing any issues while working.
In conclusion, AutoComplete is a handy feature in Excel that can save time and minimize typing errors. However, if it is not your preference, you can easily turn it off following the steps outlined above. If you want to re-enable it, follow the steps to turn it back on, and you’ll be back to saving time in no time!