How to Share Your Wi-Fi Password on an Android Phone

Sharing your Wi-Fi password with someone can be a tedious and frustrating task, especially if you have a long password that is difficult to remember. However, if you have an Android phone, sharing your Wi-Fi password has become easier thanks to some built-in features.
In this article, we’ll guide you on how to share your Wi-Fi password with a few simple steps.
Step 1: Enable Wi-Fi and Connect to the Network
Make sure your Wi-Fi is turned on and that your Android phone is already connected to the Wi-Fi network you want to share.
Step 2: Access Wi-Fi Settings
Go to your phone settings and click on Wi-Fi. After that, click on the Wi-Fi network name that you want to share.
Step 3: Share Wi-Fi Password
A pop-up message will appear on your screen, asking if you want to share the Wi-Fi password. Click on the “Share” option to display the Wi-Fi password QR code.
Step 4: Scan QR Code
If someone wants to connect to your Wi-Fi network, all they need to do is scan the QR code on your phone. They can do this by accessing any QR scanner app on their phone and scanning the code from your phone.
Step 5: Connect to Wi-Fi
After scanning the QR code, the Wi-Fi password will be automatically entered into the Wi-Fi settings on their Android phone. They can then connect to the Wi-Fi network without having to enter the password manually.
Step 6: Disconnecting their Phone
If you want to disconnect their phone from your Wi-Fi network, you can do so by accessing your Wi-Fi settings and clicking on the “connected devices” option. From there, you can choose the device you want to disconnect and click on the “disconnect” button.
In conclusion, sharing your Wi-Fi password with an Android phone has been simplified and made more accessible with the use of QR codes. By following the steps above, you can easily share your Wi-Fi password with someone who needs to connect to your network.