How to See Hidden Files on Your Mac

As a Mac user, you may want to view hidden files from time to time. These files may include system files or preferences, and they’re not visible by default. However, seeing hidden files on a Mac is easy, and this article will show you how to do it.
Method 1: Show Hidden Files in Finder
The first way to view hidden files is through the Finder app. Here are the steps:
Step 1: Launch Finder
Click on the Finder icon in your dock to launch it.
Step 2: Open the “Go to Folder” Command
Click on the “Go” tab in the menu at the top left corner of the screen. Hold down the “Option” key and select “Library” from the drop-down list. This opens the Library folder.
Step 3: Show Hidden Files
In the Library folder, click on the “View” tab in the top menu and select “Show Hidden Files.” This will reveal all hidden files in the folder.
Method 2: Use the Terminal App
The Terminal app provides direct access to the file system of a Mac computer. Here’s how to use the Terminal to view hidden files:
Step 1: Launch the Terminal App
Launch the Terminal app by pressing “Command” + “Spacebar” and typing in “Terminal.”
Step 2: Enter the Command
In the terminal window, type the following command: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES. Press “Enter” on your keyboard.
Step 3: Restart Finder
Next, restart Finder by typing the following command: killall Finder. Press “Enter” again.
Step 4: Access the Hidden Files
You should now be able to see hidden files in the Finder app. To hide them, repeat the steps above but change YES to NO in the command at Step 2.