How to Modernize Your School District Network

School districts need to start preparing themselves for the increased amount of edtech they will be using in the years ahead. Their current systems aren’t set up appropriately for the cloud-based software that many edtech companies are selling. In order to keep up with the changes that are waiting on the horizon, every school district needs to start talking with their IT department for more clarity on how to modernize their district network.
Modernizing the network can be a significant undertaking for the IT department and the administrators. It will require a lot of adjustments for everyone to get used to the new flow and structure of things. However, it will ultimately make using this new edtech much easier. All schools need to do is take the first steps toward updating their network.
Centralize the System
The very first thing that your school district network needs to do is simplify its current system. Because multiple schools will be using the same network, it can be helpful to have all of the necessary data in one central location with an easily managed platform. If your system is incredibly complex, it’s time for you to consider what needs to happen in order for things to change. A simplified system makes everything else much easier, including taking care of your security issues.
Boost Your Security
Your system is more important than ever before, particularly if you are going to be using cloud-based programs. With this in mind, it is essential to have security as an integral feature of your new modernized school district network. You should be able to quickly see malware and intruders that don’t belong in your network at any level. Work with your IT team to develop a plan for how you can reduce the vulnerability found in your school district.
Look at Reliability
Reliability should be the next biggest concern after security. You don’t want a network that is frequently down due to repairs, unforeseen circumstances, and other issues that are relatively common. Choose a system that demonstrates a high degree of reliability with backup services just in case. You will need to do some research regarding the specific promises that a network can make to your district.
Communicate with End Users
Everyone needs to understand the changes that are going on with the new network system. Keep administrators and teachers up to date on the changes as they occur. You may need to send out detailed instructions regarding how to access certain information temporarily. However, you might simply need to give them a warning that a disruption in their daily routine is going to be forthcoming. A little bit of an apology can go a long way while you’re in the process of making inconvenient changes that are better for everyone long-term.
Making changes and modernizing the school district network can be a challenging undertaking. It has the potential to disrupt the functioning of your employees for a short period of time while you get things sorted out for the long-term benefit of the district. By prioritizing these items, you can have a more successful transition to a new system that is better equipped to handle your edtech.