How to Make Smooth Stone in Minecraft

Minecraft is one of the most popular games out in the market today. It’s a sandbox game that allows players to build, explore and create in their own virtual world. Among the many materials in the game, smooth stone is one of the most important resources used by players to build and create different structures. It’s a key ingredient for making various items such as stone slabs, stone doors and polished diorite, making it a must-have resource for any Minecraft player.
Here’s how to make smooth stone in Minecraft:
Step 1: Get Cobblestone
Cobblestone is a very common material in Minecraft. You can find it in any biome and is easily obtained by mining it with a pickaxe. Once you get at least two pieces of Cobblestone, you can take it to the furnace.
Step 2: Build a Furnace
In order to create smooth stone, you will need to build a furnace. To make a furnace, you need eight pieces of cobblestone. Arrange these cobblestone blocks in a square pattern of 3×3 on the crafting table, leaving the center empty. Once you have placed them in the correct pattern, drag the newly created furnace to your tool bar.
Step 3: Place cobblestone in the Furnace
After you’ve placed your furnace, you can put the cobblestone that you want to transform into smooth stone inside the furnace. You should place the cobble in the top slot of the furnace and a fuel source such as coal, wood planks or other flammable materials into the bottom slot. Alternatively, you can use a lava bucket that will smelt 100 pieces of cobblestone at once.
Step 4: Smelting
Smelting the cobble in the furnace turns it into smooth stone. It will take time for the furnace to smelt the cobblestone, so it’s important to ensure that you have enough fuel in the furnace to keep it running the whole time. The process will take around 3.5 minutes to transform a whole stack of cobblestone into smooth stone.
Step 5: Collect Smooth Stone
Once the furnace has finished smelting, you’ll have smooth stone. Take it out of the furnace and place it in your inventory. There you go, you just made smooth stone for your Minecraft build.
In conclusion, creating smooth stone in Minecraft is an easy process that doesn’t require much effort. It’s an important resource used by players to build and create a variety of amazing structures. All you need is cobblestone, a furnace and fuel source, and you’re set. With smooth stone now in your inventory, there’s no limit to what amazing structures you can create in Minecraft.