How to Clean AirPods: 2 Tricks for Removing Your Icky Earwax Buildup

Having clean AirPods is important, not only for the sake of hygiene but also for sound quality. Earwax can accumulate on your AirPods over time, resulting in muffled audio and, if left unchecked, it can even damage your device. In this article, we will discuss two simple tricks for removing earwax buildup from your AirPods and keeping them in tip-top shape.
1. Using a Soft Cloth and Rubbing Alcohol
This method is effective in removing gunk without damaging your AirPods. For the best results, follow these simple steps:
a. Power off your AirPods by putting them back in their charging case.
b. Dampen a soft cloth (such as a microfiber cloth) with a small amount of isopropyl alcohol (70% or higher concentration).
c. Gently rub the external parts of your AirPods, paying special attention to the speaker grilles where earwax usually accumulates.
d. Do not apply excessive force while cleaning, as this might push earwax further into the device.
e. Use a cotton swab or toothpick wrapped in the damp cloth to reach nooks and crannies that might be otherwise difficult to clean.
f. Once you’ve finished cleaning, let the AirPods air dry before placing them back into use.
2. The Blu-Tack Trick
Blu-Tack is a versatile adhesive putty that is safe to use on your AirPods. Its sticky nature makes it ideal for pulling out earwax lodged inside the speaker grille or other delicate areas.
a. Start by kneading a small amount of Blu-Tack between your fingers to make it more pliable.
b. Press the Blu-Tack firmly onto the area with earwax buildup, then gently lift the putty off. The earwax should adhere to the Blu-Tack and come off easily.
c. Repeat this process as necessary to remove all traces of earwax from your AirPods.
d. Inspect your AirPods and make sure no residue from the Blu-Tack has been left behind. If needed, use a soft, dry cloth (or slightly dampened with rubbing alcohol) to clean off any excess putty.
Keeping your AirPods clean should be a regular part of your maintenance routine in order to maintain optimal audio quality and prevent potential damage. By utilizing these two tricks, you can ensure that your AirPods stay free from earwax buildup and continue to deliver an impressive listening experience.