How to Change Scribble to Keyboard on Apple Watch

For those who have an Apple Watch, you’ve likely used the Scribble feature to respond to messages or Siri commands. While this function is handy, sometimes typing out a message using a keyboard may be more efficient. In this article, we’ll explain how to change Scribble to keyboard on your Apple Watch.
Step One: Access Messages
To start, you’ll want to access the Messages app on your Apple Watch. Swipe up on your watch face to reveal your apps, then find the Messages app and tap on it.
Step Two: Create a New Message
Once you’re in the Messages app, you’ll want to create a new message by tapping on the green icon at the top right-hand corner. This will prompt a new message to populate.
Step Three: Tap on Scribble
Instead of using Scribble as your message input, tap on the Scribble icon to reveal a new option where you can switch to a keyboard input. This icon looks like a small pen next to the text box at the bottom of the screen.
Step Four: Choose a Keyboard
Now you can choose the keyboard input for your message. There are three options, each denoted by a different keyboard icon: QWERTY, letter-to-letter, and emoji. Choose the one that best suits your needs.
Step Five: Begin Typing
Once you’ve selected your keyboard input, you can begin typing your message. Your Apple Watch keyboard will look familiar, but with a few important differences. Namely, the keyboard is significantly smaller than those on your phone or laptop. As you type, your suggestions will appear above the keyboard, which can help you type more quickly and accurately.
Step Six: Send Your Message
Once you’ve completed your message, tap on the arrow in the blue circle at the bottom right-hand corner to send it. If you change your mind and want to switch back to Scribble, tap on the Scribble icon again to do so.
In Conclusion
Changing Scribble to keyboard on your Apple Watch isn’t difficult, but it can take a bit of getting used to. By following these steps, you’ll be able to send messages on your watch more quickly and easily than ever before. So next time you need to reply to a message, give the keyboard a try and see how it works for you!