Higher Education Institutions Choose Digital Assistant Technology

The only way to give the real-time experiences that today’s students demand and require is for AI to work alongside human teachers and staff.
Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance The Quality Of education
Previously, education and technology were not always synonymous. However, it is now nearly 2022, and eLearning experts acknowledge the good influence of conversational AI. In this post, I’ll discuss three major reasons why schools are relying on digital aides.
Why Do Digital Assistants and Intelligent Chatbots Matter in Education Technology?
- AI-Enabled Digital Assistants Improve Staff-to-Student Ratios
Everything inside the school should be difficult, and everything outside the classroom should be simple. Unfortunately, it is not how the K-12 and higher education systems are set up. These complex and out-of-date systems are extremely difficult to navigate, particularly for first-generation students.
Academic study has repeatedly shown that the more contact a student has, the more assistance they receive, and the more likely they are to graduate. According to the data, student-to-counselor ratios are just not where they should be. In reality, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) advises at least one counselor for every 250 students, while the national average for the 2019-2020 academic school year was more than 400 students for each counselor.
Higher education schools must either hire an army of counselors to keep up with demand or find another alternative. An AI-powered digital assistant was brought in to help with the program’s high level of questions from potential students and manage 24-7 global coverage at Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management. The conversational chatbot at the school was the equivalent of hiring three full-time employees to do all of the repetitious chores, allowing their human colleagues to focus only on the high-impact functions of their work. This modern and unique method of mixing education and technology in one gives pupils the necessary support that is critical in today’s digital world.
- Technology allows multilingual, equal access to information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The fact that a digital assistant is constantly available is the most important aspect to a learner. Higher education staff employees are only available during business hours. In the real world, everyone is at work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., so where does that leave working students and parents? How can people receive answers to queries regarding campus programs, financial aid, and crucial dates in higher education? The answer is the technology that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on many platforms, and speaks more than a hundred languages. With digital assistants on staff, people and artificial intelligence (AI) collaborate to transform student support, providing effective access to knowledge for everyone.
- Technology and data science help students learn better.
Technology and human personnel can coexist to give students the greatest possible experience and dramatically increase accomplishment outcomes. Autonomous, intelligent digital assistants are always learning and can reach students in novel ways because they understand how to engage certain pupils in various ways. Today’s intelligent bots have even been trained to recognize purpose to respond to pupils in a meaningful way. For example, students of varying ages or from different geographic places may search for the same information on the same school’s website using different jargon or slang. A clever digital assistant will recognize the nuance and help the student answer their question or link them with the proper human who can.
Technology is also a significant resource in higher education since it can remind students of crucial milestones that are approaching via social media messenger or SMS text, which are their preferred platforms. An AI-powered digital assistant that communicates in over 100 automatically identified languages has started assisting potential students with admissions, scholarship applications, and Free Application for Federal Student Aid forms at Rockhurst University. Since implementing a digital assistant on their website, undergraduate applications have climbed by 22%.
Technology tools are a valuable addition to any higher education institution, so it’s no wonder that many modern schools and universities are looking ahead to future technologies, such as the usage of automation, to help learners apply, enroll, get admitted, and graduate. This forward-thinking strategy gives today’s students a real advantage in terms of improving their learning outcomes and ultimately helping them achieve. Today’s college students are more varied than ever. This student body will demand more support resources to graduate than human staff members can give. The only way to give the real-time experiences that today’s students demand and require is for AI to work alongside human teachers and staff.