Fill Text With an Image in Photoshop Without Rendering the Text

In Photoshop, one of the coolest techniques that you can use to make your designs more interesting is by filling text with an image. However, if you’re doing traditional methods to fill text with an image in Photoshop, you typically have to rasterize or render the text before you can add an image to it.
But what if you don’t want to lose the ability to edit your text? What if you want to easily change the font or size later on without having to start all over again? In this article, we’ll show you how to fill text with an image in Photoshop without having to render the text.
Step 1: Create a new Photoshop document.
Start by creating a new document in Photoshop. You can choose the size that you want, but for this tutorial, we’ll use a 1920×1080 resolution. Make sure to set the background to transparent, so that you can see the image that you’ll fill the text with.
Step 2: Type your text.
Now, type your text onto the canvas, making sure that your font and size are set to what you want. For this tutorial, we’ll use the font “Montserrat” at 350pt size.
Step 3: Add an image to the layer below.
In the Layers panel, add an image layer below the text layer. You can do this by clicking on “File” -> “Place Embedded” and selecting the image that you want to fill the text with.
Step 4: Create a clipping mask.
Select the text layer in the Layers panel, right-click on it and choose “Create Clipping Mask” from the menu. This will cause the text layer to become a mask for the image layer below, and you’ll see that the image is now visible through the letters.
Step 5: Refine your image filling.
Now, you can use the Move tool to adjust the image placement so that it looks good inside the text. You can also add a layer style to the text layer if you want to add some extra effects to the text itself.
By using these steps, you can fill text with images in Photoshop without having to render the text as pixels, keeping your text fully editable for future changes.
In conclusion, filling text with an image is a great way to add visual interest to your designs. And by using this technique, you can achieve a more versatile and flexible way of doing it in Photoshop. Try it out for yourself and see what creative possibilities it can open up for your designs.