DIY Hacks for Your Old Laptop

I can’t toss out my old laptops. They are useful when I’m ready to repurpose them and give them new life. Here are just a few ideas to try for some DIY fun.
Surveillance Monitor
The last thing I want is to have a video pop up on my work monitor every time Amazon drops off a package. I do, however, want to know who might be following Amazon to snag my packages, so I dedicate an old laptop for this purpose.
Gaming Rig
Your older PC laptop might be the perfect machine for running some of those older video games you loved when you were younger. Those newer games with the fantastic graphics won’t run on older machines, but the “vintage game station” is perfect for reminiscing. It’s also a handy diversion when kids come over. They’ll have a dedicated gaming system.
Movie computer
Matching older laptop for showing old videos is a natural solution for creating a movie night experience, especially if you don’t have a dedicated movie theater room in your home. Older laptops models often have a CD drive, so you can play those old DVDs for a movie night. All you need is your old laptop and those DVDs you’ve been saving. Watch from the screen or connect your laptop to a digital projector. Then you can show your videos on the wall – or even the ceiling.
You can also attach a Firestick or access your favorite streaming video service for a better experience. Attach your laptop speakers for a more robust sound.
You can also set up the laptop to let your kids watch science videos or other videos that show how to do something.
Kitchen computer
Having a computer in the kitchen can be handy. Your older laptop can be your go-to resource for looking up recipes, comparing pictures of each step in the cooking process, and even converting measurements. Best of all, while your cookies are baking, you can catch up on emails or news from your child’s school.
Guest portal
Your guests may appreciate having a computer with which to check their emails, catch up on the news, or play a few games before bedtime. That old laptop makes for an excellent guest machine.
Digital photo frame
Considering that you can purchase a digital photo frame for less than $50, using your laptop may be overkill when it comes to showing off those family and friend photos. However, since you already have the laptop, and you’re not using it for anything else, why not upload your pictures and display them? If you have a spare flat screen or monitor, all the better!
Convert your old laptop to a beginner computer station
Many people rely on their smartphones for their social media interactions. However, the screen is tiny, and so are the keys. Do you know someone who would appreciate having a laptop for basic computing needs?
Even the parts from your old laptop can be repurposed. If you’re will to disable your computer, you can make a clock out of the motherboard, containers from various parts, and jewelry from smaller pieces. Pinterest is full of ideas to try.