Can Pokemon Go Be Part Of the Classroom?

When Pokemon Go was released in 2016, it took the world by storm. It seemed as though everyone was glued to their phones while trying to catch their favorite digital monsters from the show. For those who don’t know, Pokemon Go is a mobile app that uses Augmented Reality as its main mechanic for those who don’t know.
The goal is to walk around the real world in search of Pokemon, which can then be captured using Pokeballs. When one encounters a Pokemon, it can be seen through the phone as it would appear in the real world – this is the basis for Augmented Reality.
The game is primarily targeted at younger audiences, and since it was first released, teachers have been asking themselves whether Pokemon Go could be a tool to use in the classroom. It has interesting visuals and keeps young people engaged for quite a while, so surely there must be some potential, right?
Is It Possible?
Pokemon Go is purely a recreational gaming app, and unfortunately, it does not have any real educational value. There are not many educational uses that can be extracted from it, and introducing the game to your classroom might actually do more harm than good.
That does not mean that Augmented Reality is not fit for the classroom, though. In fact, there are a number of AR apps out there that are designed specifically for educational use in a learning environment, from extremely basic functions to high-tech 3D-modeling apps.
Using Augmented Reality in the classroom has proven to be beneficial to both students and teachers since it was first used. There are a number of ways that this technology can be introduced into the classroom, and it has the benefit of changing the way students interact with their world and the way they learn, as well.
What Can Pokemon Go Do For Learners?
While the app might not be entirely educational, it can have some other benefits for learners. For starters, it can help them improve their emotional regulation. A specialist in the research of autism learned that the app was able to improve the social skills of students with autism, and it also renewed their desire to learn.
Games are a way to offer them the space they need to socialize, especially when they are on the autistic spectrum and might suffer from communication difficulties or have trouble with face-to-face interactions.
Pokemon Go can also help learners engage in a playful kind of exploration. When students are able to walk around and look at their environment from a new lens, they are essentially able to take note of more things around them, things that they might not have noticed before.
Wrapping Up
Through the use of Augmented Reality, teachers are able to improve the learning outcomes of their students by increasing their activity and engagement. If AR can find a permanent place in the education system, then education will be permanently changed for the better.