26 Solar System Project Ideas for Kids that are Out of this World

Solar System Activities for Preschool & Kindergarten
- Edible Science Craft
This fun solar system model would be awesome for homeschool, daycare, and at-home preschools. It’s easy and fun for kids to color the different planets according to pictures they’ve seen in a story you read or on a poster you’ve presented!
Get the recipe and more here!
- Solar System Sensory Fun Activities
Even our littlest scientists can start learning about the solar system, start this project with a book for students. Little kiddos absolutely love sensory play. Incorporate some STEM learning at a young age with a sensory activity for kids like this.
- Edible Solar System
Check out this awesome edible solar system. This is an extremely engaging activity for students. They will love making, decorating, and then, of course, devouring their solar system model.
Learn more about the recipe here!
Solar System Activities for Grades Kindergarten – Grade 2
- Playdough Planets
Playdough always gets my kiddos interested in whatever we’re about to do. This solar system project is a bit more intense with setup, but completely worth it. Have a model ready to go so students don’t get lost in the plethora of materials!
alittlepinchofperfect gives a great outline for this science project!
- Foldable Planets – Solar System Poster
Here is an excellent project for our youngest learners! This is an easy cut-and-paste project. It can be used for modeling and checking for understanding. Providing students with a hands-on activity to learn the alignment of the planets.
Learn more about this awesome solar idea here!
- Solar System model WITH fruits
Take a look at this adorable science snack idea and intuitive way to model with fruits. Allowing students to incorporate food into their learning is a great way to influence them in the way they talk during snacks and other meals. See if they can build their own model with fruits.
Try this and see what they come up with!
- Water Color Solar System
Another one for our little scientists. Getting kiddos to recognize the planets at a young age is so important. This will keep your little ones busy and engaged while also learning to visualize the solar system.
- Whole-Class Awesome Solar System Project
This is a great project for the whole class to be involved in. Whether you have a lot of absences or just a small class in general this is a great mini-lesson or project to have to go in the back of your classroom.
Check it out here!
- Spinning Science Craft
With this spinning solar system, lower elementary students can get a better grasp of how the solar system rotations work. Being able to visualize this from a young age will help them in upper elementary solar system units.
Learn more here!
Solar System Activities for Grades 3-5
- Solar System Bottle Caps Project
Not only is this project great because students can make an accurate depiction of the Solar System, but it also uses materials that can easily be found! By using recycled bottle caps students can make a replica of the Solar System and use it as a presentation.
You can find detailed instructions about this project here!
- Popsicle Stick Solar System Science Project Ideas
Have your students create a model of the solar system using popsicle sticks. I know that students in my classroom LOVE when they get to decorate and use their creativity on popsicle sticks. This is a simple, fun project for any grade! Have students keep it in their science notebooks.
Check it out here!
- DIY Solar Jar
Upper elementary students LOVE DIY solar jar projects. I feel like we end up doing so many by the end of 6th grade. Probably because materials are easy and they make great decorations. This solar system in a jar will be a perfect addition to your solar system unit!
Find more info at teachbesideme
- Simple Solar Systems Rock!
This creative solar system science project will allow kids to destress and also learn while they paint the planets on rocks. After painting teachers can choose what to do with the solar system rocks! This can be a great cross-curriculum science and art project.
Learn more here!
- Solar System Projects for Kids using Oreos!
Moon phases are always so much fun to teach and learn. I like to have students watch a video tutorial about the moon first, next I show a model with my own Oreos and earth, and finally, I let the kiddos take over and create their own models!
Find out more here!
- Paper Mache Solar System
Paper Mache is an elementary school favorite. It’s not only used for beads and volcanoes. This is a beautiful science project using students’ knowledge about the solar system, some rubber balls, and, of course, paper mache.
You can find detailed instructions about this beautiful science project here!
- Hanging Planets
Here is a super cute solar system project for your astronomy unit and a future decoration for your classroom! Students will love to see these solar systems hanging from the ceiling. They also are so much fun to make!
Find out how to make this project here!
- Solar System Cootie Catcher
My students love to study using cootie catchers. We’ve made them in all different subjects. Last year we made them help students with different math problems. Check out these amazing solar system cootie catchers! Your students will have so much fun. These can even be flattened and kept in a student’s science notebook.
Source: Rock your Homeschool
- Fizzy Science Project Ideas
The Fizzy Solar system project is fun, engaging, and a little bit messy. Students will love to create these models of the planets and then watch them fizzle and crackle! It’s easy enough and engaging enough for any classroom.
Check it out here!
Solar System Activities for Grades 6-8
- Simple Solar Balloon System
Who doesn’t love balloons? Kids have a blast blowing and playing with balloons. They can, of course, get a little out of hand sometimes but that’s where the fun comes in! Allow students to color and play with balloons in this year’s solar system science unit.
Check it out here!
- Solar System Facts
This is a great Solar project! Students could complete this collaboratively. It could be a cross-curricular project incorporating research and fact writing about each planet. Students will love the creativity along with expressing their knowledge.
Source: image
- Planet Fact Fans | Upper Elementary Solar System Project Ideas
Upper elementary grades can become difficult when trying to reach standards and still keep your class engaged. With these fact fans, you’ll not only reach objectives but will also engage students by using their creativity to make the planets, conduct research in their science notebook, and maybe even solar system posters!
Have students create their own or purchase a template here!
- Cup, Plate Styrofoam Model For Kids
Having students make a super-simple model of the solar system 10-inch styrofoam ball will be fun and engage with low prep on your part. Give students materials and a model and they should be off and running with this solar system science project.
Source: myhomebasedlife
- Solar System 3D Model
Have your upper elementary students create an old-fashioned 3D diorama like this one. These are such fun projects for kids. Students will love to research facts about planets and then create their own solar system model. Showcasing all they’ve learned throughout your solar system unit.
Here’s an example image!
- Simple 3D Solar Projects
Here are nice and simple projects for kids using styrofoam balls and a coat hanger or sticks! This is a low-material project for kids of all ages to engage in and learn about the solar system. Try using pom-pom balls!
Source: image
- Pom-pom Balls Solar System Model
Pom-pom balls are always a win. Here’s a great model idea for elementary students using pom-pom balls. They will even love to make their own pom-pom balls according to the colors of the planets. Learn how to make your own Pom-pom balls here!
- More Balloons!
A classroom filled with balloons is enticing to students of all ages. Especially when they get to help make it! Work together to make this awesome giant classroom solar system. Have students watch a video tutorial and see if they can move their balloons like the solar system!