Xposed Framework: What It Is and How to Install It

Xposed Framework is a powerful tool for Android devices that allows users to modify the behavior of the operating system without having to change any system files. This can be done using modules that can be installed through the Xposed Installer app. Here we will discuss what Xposed Framework is and how you can install it on your Android device.
What is Xposed Framework?
Xposed Framework is a framework that allows developers to create modules that can seamlessly modify the behavior of Android devices. These modules can be downloaded from various sources and installed using the Xposed Installer app. The beauty of Xposed Framework is that it does not require the modification of any system files. This means that it is easy to use, provides a high level of customization, and does not void your device warranty.
How to Install Xposed Framework?
Before installing Xposed Framework, ensure that your device is rooted, and install the Xposed Installer app. You can download the Xposed Installer app from the Xposed Framework website or from sources like XDA Developers.
To install Xposed Framework:
1. Open the Xposed Installer app on your Android device.
2. Navigate to the “Framework” section, which is located in the side menu of the app.
3. Tap on “Install/Update” to install the framework onto your device.
4. Grant root access when prompted.
5. Wait for the installation process to complete.
6. Once installation is complete, reboot your device.
7. After rebooting, open the Xposed Installer app again and Install the desired Modules.
In conclusion, Xposed Framework is a powerful tool that allows users to modify the behavior of their Android devices without having to modify any system files. This means that it is easy to use, provides a high level of customization, and does not void your device warranty. To install Xposed Framework, ensure that your device is rooted and install the Xposed Installer app from the Xposed Framework website or from sources like XDA Developers. Once the app is installed, navigate to the “Framework” section, tap on “Install/Update”, grant root access, and wait for the installation process to complete. After rebooting, open the Xposed Installer app again and install the modules of your choice.