Why You Shouldn’t Pay for Season Passes or DLC

As a gamer, you’ve probably heard about season passes and downloadable content (DLC) at some point. They offer a variety of new features, extra levels, and additional content that expands the game universe. However, the question remains: should you pay for these additions? After thinking it through, we’ve concluded that it’s best not to spend your money on season passes or DLC. Below are some reasons why.
Firstly, it’s important to note that games are already expensive enough as they are. With base games pricing around $60, it’s understandable that players do not want to spend more money on items that should have been included in the base game. Most season passes usually start from $25 to as high as $100. Similarly, DLC can range anywhere from $10 to $30 per pack. This means to get the complete game experience, the player has to pay extra which is a bit too much.
Moreover, season passes and DLC often appear to be just ploys to grab more cash from the player. Developers usually release the base game incomplete or leaving out some important features. Then they start selling these features through paid game add-ons, rather than offering a complete game from the start. It’s a mockery of gamers who love to indulge in their favorite gaming universe. Additionally, some developers keep adding new content and features after releasing new DLC or season passes, which may require new purchases, further increasing costs.
Another reason why you shouldn’t pay for season passes or DLC is that the content may not be worth the money you are spending. The paid features may not have a significant impact on the gameplay, or they may be too short without adding any replay value. For instance, DLC that adds only a few additional hours of gameplay to a game that already has several hours of content may not be worth paying for.
In conclusion, it’s best not to spend your money on season passes or DLC. The additional content may not be worth the money or may feel like a ploy to gain more cash. Instead, focus on purchasing games with complete content or waiting for a complete edition to be released that includes all the additional content. Therefore, gamers should say no to season passes and DLC and enjoy their favorite games in their original form.