Why has my Facebook friend list disappeared?

Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world today. It is a great way to connect with friends and family from all over the world, keep up with their lives, and share updates, photos, and videos.
However, sometimes things can go awry with Facebook and, at times, your Facebook friend list disappears.
It can be quite alarming to find that your Facebook friend list has disappeared, especially if you were used to seeing all your friends and loved ones there. There could be several reasons why your Facebook friend list disappeared, including a glitch in the system, account suspension, or deletion of your Facebook account.
One of the most common reasons why a Facebook friend list disappears is a glitch in the system. When a Facebook update is released or the application undergoes maintenance, it can cause glitches, which can lead to temporary disappearance of the friend list. If this is the case, it is important to wait for a while before accessing your Facebook account again. Hopefully, the friend list will reappear.
Another reason why your Facebook friend list disappeared could be that your account was suspended due to a violation of Facebook’s community standards. If this happens, Facebook will notify you via an email or message and outline the reasons for the suspension. It is, therefore, essential to go through the community standards and ensure that everything is in order.
In some instances, Facebook can delete an account due to inappropriate behavior or violation of their policies. If this is the case, there may not be any way to retrieve the friend list, which was associated with the account. It is fundamental to ensure that all the policies are adhered to, to avoid the possibility of account deletion.
In conclusion, the disappearance of your Facebook friend list can be quite alarming. However, it can be due to a glitch in the system, account suspension, or account deletion by Facebook. It is crucial to ensure you are following Facebook community standards to avoid suspensions or account deletion.