When Is Windows 8 End of Life?

As technology advances, we see new versions of software and operating systems being released. With the release of Windows 10, many users are wondering when Windows 8 will no longer receive support.
Microsoft is known for providing extended support for their operating systems. This means that after the mainstream support period, users can still receive security updates and bug fixes for an additional period of time. Windows 8 was released on October 26, 2012, and mainstream support ended on January 9, 2018.
While mainstream support has ended, Windows 8 is currently in extended support, which will end on January 10, 2023. This means that users who are still running Windows 8 can continue to use it, but they will no longer receive new features, product design improvements or free customer support. However, Microsoft will continue to provide security updates and bug fixes to ensure that Windows 8 remains secure and stable.
After January 10, 2023, Windows 8 will be considered end of life. This means that Microsoft will no longer provide any support, including security updates or bug fixes. This situation can put users’ devices at risk in terms of security threats, and they will not have access to customer support if they encounter any issues.
As the end of life for Windows 8 approaches, it is recommended that users consider upgrading to a newer operating system that is still supported, such as Windows 10. Windows 10 was released on July 29, 2015, and is currently receiving mainstream support. It is designed to be more secure, user-friendly and compatible with the latest hardware and software in the market.
In conclusion, Windows 8 has a remaining two years of extended support, which will end on January 10, 2023. After this date, it will be considered end of life and will no longer receive any support from Microsoft. Users who are still using Windows 8 are advised to start planning an upgrade to a newer operating system before the end of life date approaches, to protect their devices and ensure a smooth transition.