What the Tech: How to save your phone if dropped in water

We’ve all experienced that heart-stopping moment when our beloved phone slips from our grip and plunges into water. Whether it’s a pool, a sink full of dishes, or even the dreaded toilet bowl, your phone’s safety is paramount. In this article, we will explore practical steps to save your phone if it’s been dropped in water.
Step 1: Power off and dry:
The most critical step is to immediately power off your phone and remove its battery (if removable). Water can cause short circuits if electricity is running through the device. Use a soft cloth or paper towel to dry the exterior as much as possible. Avoid shaking your phone violently, as this could cause the water to reach internal components that were previously unharmed.
Step 2: Remove accessories:
If you have a protective case, screen protector or any other accessories on your phone, remove them now. This will aid in drying out the device and prevent moisture from being trapped within those components.
Step 3: Use silica gel packets or uncooked rice:
One common technique for absorbing moisture in your phone is placing the device and battery (if removable) in a sealed container filled with silica gel packets or uncooked rice. Silica gel packets are included in various product packaging, as they effectively absorb humidity. Leave your phone submerged in the rice or surrounded by silica gel packets for at least 24 to 48 hours.
Step 4: Use a vacuum cleaner:
If you have access to a vacuum cleaner with a tiny hose attachment, carefully use it to help remove moisture from your phone’s inner components. Vacuuming your phone can help remove water trapped within small crevices that may be difficult to reach otherwise.
Step 5: Ensure all parts are dried before assembling
After following the above steps, there may still be some residual moisture within your phone. Do not attempt to turn on or charge the device until you are confident that it is fully dry.
Step 6: Contact a professional:
If, after following these steps, your phone still doesn’t work or displays problems, it’s best to consult with a professional repair technician. Many modern smartphones have water damage indicators that will show if the device has been exposed to liquids, which may affect any applicable warranty.
Water damage can be detrimental to our phones’ functionality and longevity. Be proactive in taking the appropriate steps when faced with such an issue. Remember, prevention is key, so consider investing in a waterproof case and being cautious around liquids to keep your phone safe in the long run.