What Is Transitive Dependency in a Database

The concept of transitive dependency in a database refers to the relationship between database attributes or columns. In a relational database, attributes or columns are arranged in tables, and each attribute has a particular dependency on one or more other attributes. Transitive dependency occurs when an attribute in a table is dependent on another attribute in that table, but it is also dependent on an attribute in another table.
There are three types of dependencies in a database: functional, multivalued, and transitive. Functional dependencies occur when one attribute determines another attribute in the same table. For example, if a table has attributes for a person’s name and phone number, the name attribute determines the phone number attribute. Multivalued dependencies occur when one attribute can have multiple values for another attribute in the same table. For example, if a table has an attribute for a person’s hobbies and an attribute for a person’s phone number, the phone number attribute can have multiple values for different hobbies.
Transitive dependencies are a bit more complex. They occur when an attribute in a table is not only dependent on other attributes in that table but is also dependent on attributes in other tables. For example, suppose a university has a database of students, courses, and instructors. The instructor teaches the course, and the course is assigned to a particular student. The instructor attribute is dependent on the course attribute, and the course attribute is dependent on the student attribute. Therefore, the instructor attribute is indirectly dependent on the student attribute.
Transitive dependencies can cause problems in database design and performance. They can lead to redundancy and inconsistencies in the data, making it difficult to maintain and update the database. To avoid transitive dependency, database designers need to normalize the tables properly. Normalization is the process of organizing the database tables and attributes to minimize redundancy and improve performance.
In general, transitive dependencies can significantly impact the integrity of data in a database. There can be ambiguity in the data as the relationship between attributes can become convoluted. It can subsequently become challenging to make changes to the database structure, and performance can decline. The responsibility of the normalization process lies with the database designer to ensure that all tables are independent and free from transitive dependencies.
In conclusion, transitive dependency is a crucial concept in database design that impacts the integrity of data stored in a database. Database designers need to properly normalize the tables to avoid transitive dependency and improve performance. As databases continue to grow in popularity and usage, it’s crucial that we master the understanding and management of transitive dependencies to maintain an efficient database that’s free of errors.