What is Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS)?

The Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) is a tool that allows you to assign a domain name to a unique IP address. In simpler terms, it is the process of mapping a domain name to an IP address that changes over time.
Traditionally, a domain name was only able to be mapped to a single IP address. This meant that if the IP address changes, the domain name would no longer link to the correct server or website. DDNS solved this issue by allowing domain names to map to a dynamic IP address which can change frequently.
Dynamic IP addresses are typically used in situations where the Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns IP addresses dynamically rather than statically. This means the ISP can change the IP address of a device at any time, particularly when a device is disconnected from the internet.
DDNS was invented to ease the management of dynamic IP addresses. For example, a home user who constantly migrates with their laptop or mobile device will require a consistent method to access their remote network. DDNS allows them to access their network, servers or devices with the same domain name, regardless of the device’s changing IP address.
DDNS can be particularly useful for remote access to systems and applications. Consider an employee working remotely, who needs to access corporate data stored on servers located inside the company’s main network. Remote access is made possible by DDNS, which keeps the domain name linked to the temporary IP address assigned by the ISP.
Another advantage of DDNS is that it can be used to enable simple and inexpensive hosting of web servers at home or in the office. For instance, instead of paying a web hosting company to host your website, you can set up your web server at home and use DDNS to link your domain name to your dynamic IP address.
In conclusion, DDNS makes it easier to keep track of dynamic IP addresses, which can change frequently. It provides a means to access servers and web applications using consistent domain names and eases the process of hosting servers at home. If you encounter dynamic IP address challenges, then consider using DDNS to map your domain name to your changing IP address.