What is Degaussing?

Degaussing is a process of erasing or reducing the magnetic field of a hard disk, floppy disk, or any other electronic storage device. It is done by exposing the device to a powerful magnetic field that randomly polarizes the magnetic particles. Due to this, the data stored on the surface of the device becomes unreadable and gets permanently deleted.
Originally, degaussing was used in old-fashioned CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitors, where strong magnets were used to adjust the accuracy of the image. However, the application of degaussing has been expanded to other electronic devices, especially those that have sensitive or confidential information.
In simple words, degaussing is done to ensure that the data stored on electronic devices is completely erased and prevented from being recovered. Before disposing of an old computer, wiping the data clean is a crucial step that must be taken to ensure privacy and security.
The process of degaussing requires an electromagnetic coil that is used to generate a strong magnetic field. The device that needs to be degaussed is placed inside the coil, and the device is exposed to the magnetic field for a short period of time. This process demagnetizes the surface of the device and leads to the deletion of all data that was previously stored on it.
There are two types of degaussers available in the market – coil degaussers and bulk erasers. Coil degaussers are designed to work with small electronic devices like tapes and hard drives. On the other hand, bulk erasers are used for degaussing large objects like hard disks or floppy disks at a faster rate.
It is important to note that degaussing does not physically destroy the device. It only removes the data stored on the surface of the device. This means that the device can be reused after the process of degaussing as long as it is reformatted.
Degaussing is a critical measure to ensure data privacy and security. It is a necessary step when disposing of electronic devices that have sensitive or confidential data. The process of degaussing is straightforward, and it can be done effectively with the help of a professional service or a degausser device.