What Is a WEBP File?

In the age of the internet, images are essential to making any website or online platform visually appealing. However, as website design evolves, images must also keep pace with new technologies and formats. That’s where the WEBP file format comes in.
A WEBP file is a relatively new image format made by Google that can be used for both static and animated images. WEBP files are designed to be compressed files that load quickly without sacrificing image quality. It was first introduced by Google in 2010 and is quickly gaining popularity because of its smaller size and perceived lossless image quality.
WEBP files use a type of compression called “lossy” compression, which removes certain parts of the image that are less important to the overall quality of the image. The compression process is similar to that of JPEG images, but it is more innovative and effective. The result is an image file that is up to 26% smaller than the same image saved in a JPEG format. It is also up to 34% smaller than a PNG formatted image, which is similar to WEBP.
Another key feature is that WEBP files can contain transparency, which JPEG and some versions of PNG files cannot. The format also supports animations, something not available in JPEG formats, similar to GIF and APNG formats.
Beyond the technical advantages, the use of WEBP files can have practical benefits for website design. Faster loading times and smaller file sizes are essential to creating a better user experience for website visitors, and by using WEBP files, website owners can improve their loading speeds without sacrificing quality.
However, one issue with WEBP is its limited browser compatibility and support. Currently, WEBP is supported by all major modern web browsers except for Internet Explorer and Safari on desktop devices. This issue is one of the primary roadblocks to the more widespread adoption of the file format.
To use WEBP files, users will need to ensure their website is hosted on a server that supports it, and their website design includes instructions for the use of WEBP images. Many popular content management systems (CMS) already have plugins that allow for the use of WEBP formatted images. Additionally, users will need to ensure their audience has an adequate, modern browsing experience to view their content.
In conclusion, WEBP files present a new solution to image compression that offers many benefits to website designers. Although the format is not currently supported on all platforms, its benefits are rapidly making it a popular format for many web developers. If the website relies on images to be visually appealing, using WEBP files can be a useful way to save space and loading time while maintaining quality.