What is a Runtime Error?

As you may already know, programming languages operate on a set of instructions and commands that a computer executes in order to perform tasks. However, often times while coding, errors occur, and one of the most common of these is a runtime error.
A runtime error is a programming flaw that causes a program to stop working during execution. These errors occur when a program tries to perform an illegal operation, such as dividing by zero, accessing an invalid memory address, or attempting to execute code that doesn’t exist.
Unlike syntax errors, which occur at compile-time, these errors don’t show up until the program is already running, hence the name runtime error. These errors can occur in any type of programming language, whether it be high-level programming languages like Java and Python or low-level languages like Assembly.
Common examples of runtime errors include segmentation faults, overflow errors, and floating-point exceptions, among others. These errors can be caused by a variety of factors, such as incorrect input, incorrect data manipulation, or a programming error.
In some cases, runtime errors can lead to a program crashing unexpectedly, causing data loss or other unwanted consequences. Debugging runtime errors can be a difficult task, as the error message may not always indicate the exact point in the code where the error occurred.
However, many modern programming languages and frameworks have built-in mechanisms for handling runtime errors, such as try-catch statements in Java or exception handling in Python. These mechanisms allow for more efficient debugging and can help to prevent program crashes and other unwanted outcomes.
In conclusion, a runtime error is a common programming error that occurs during execution when a program encounters an illegal operation. While they can be difficult to pinpoint and troubleshoot, many modern programming languages provide built-in error handling mechanisms that can help to prevent program crashes and unwanted consequences. As a programmer, it is essential to understand and effectively handle runtime errors to ensure that your software runs smoothly and efficiently.