What Are OEM Products and Why Are They Cheaper?

OEM products are becoming increasingly popular because of their quality and affordability. OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer, which means that the item is made by a company that produces components for another company’s product. These products are often sold at a lower price than their branded counterparts because they do not come with a recognizable label or packaging.
There are several factors as to why OEM products are cheaper than their branded counterparts. These factors include the absence of advertising costs, branding, and other marketing expenses that come with branded products. OEM products also do not incur distribution costs, which the branded products pay for. These factors all contribute to the lower cost of OEM products.
To understand the cost of branded products, it is important to know that companies marketing and branding often pay high costs. From the design phase of a product to its manufacture, distribution to the packaging and advertising costs, branded products receive added expenses not applicable to OEM products. These additional costs lead to inflated prices for branded products.
Another advantage of OEM products is that they provide access to the same quality of products at a cheaper rate. OEMs are usually in a position to provide lower-priced products because they are manufacturers specializing in producing the parts that brand name companies require. For instance, Microsoft is a software company and does not manufacture its hardware. Therefore its devices require someone to produce the hardware, known as the Original Equipment Manufacturers. These devices are often produced using similar specifications as those required by branded products which provide products that are of the same quality at a lower price.