The Standard Wallpaper Sizes
Wallpaper is a popular way to add a pop of color, pattern, or texture to any room. However, before you start shopping, it’s important to know the standard wallpaper sizes to make sure you get the right amount and fit for your walls.
The most common wallpaper sizes are 20.5 inches wide and 33 feet long or 21 inches wide and 33 feet long. These sizes are designed to fit most walls in most homes. However, you should always measure your walls to determine the exact amount of wallpaper you need.
Another important factor to consider is the pattern repeat. This refers to how often the pattern on the wallpaper repeats vertically. For example, a wallpaper with a pattern repeat of 20 inches would require more wallpaper to cover a wall than a wallpaper with a pattern repeat of 10 inches.
If you have higher ceilings, you may need to purchase some additional rolls to accommodate the extra height, or you can calculate how many rolls you’ll need by dividing the height of your walls in inches by the height of the wallpaper you’re considering.
In addition to these standard sizes, there are some non-traditional sizes available for those who want something a little different. For example, some wallpaper manufacturers offer wider rolls, such as 27 inches or even 36 inches, which can be helpful when covering larger walls, but you’ll need to purchase additional rolls to cover the same area.
Finally, some wallpaper is sold in panels instead of rolls, which means you’ll need to purchase the exact number of panels required to cover your walls. In conclusion, knowing the standard wallpaper sizes is crucial to make sure you purchase the right amount of wallpaper to complete your project. Measure your walls, consider the pattern repeat, and choose the right size for your needs. Happy decorating!