The Impact of YouTube Videos On Student Learning

Technology in the classroom is becoming more popular, and based on the different ways that children learn, it could help a child to learn better. One technology tool that is often overlooked is the use of free, online videos that help teach in a classroom. These videos could be the answer to better education.
Learning styles vary with each child
Every child learns differently. There are many learning styles, and there are also learning disabilities to consider when teaching children. Some learning styles work better for one child while the next child may despise that particular style or be unable to learn from it. It could potentially push them away from even wanting to learn. However, there may be a simple way to help a child to learn. It’s YouTube.
YouTube is a free network full of a wide variety of videos that cater to any learning style of a child. Every subject is available–from science to phonics. What may be a difficult topic to understand could be made easy when accompanied by a YouTube video. There are many creative people who work behind the scenes and create amazing content that truly teaches children. No matter the age of the student, YouTube can be great assistance in teaching. It holds a child’s attention, and it’s different from their teacher, which sometimes helps a child to better listen.
What is a good education?
A good education is considered to be a child learning and retaining what they’re being taught. In order for a child to want to learn and absorb, the child must be excited about the topics and have the confidence to understand what they’re being taught. Students of all ages grow discouraged when they aren’t confident in their learning capabilities. Often times, their learning style isn’t being catered to and discouragement sets in. Since each child learns differently, it’s important to teach with a variety of styles so that all children are catered to.
There have also been studies that show when a student is disengaged, their retention is lower and it alters their mood. YouTube videos grasp the attention of the student in ways that a teacher’s voice may not always do. Not only are YouTube videos helpful in educating inside the classroom, but they are also useful in entertaining when needed. YouTube videos are helpful when explaining a concept that may not make sense when explained by a book. These videos can even bring different perspectives when discussing certain concepts in the classroom. Also, there is never just one way to learn. Math problems can be solved differently, for example, and a YouTube video could show multiple perspectives on how to solve them. By showing videos with different techniques, students could learn better.
Using videos to impact the learning of students is something that many stand behind because it’s been proven effective. A video included in the classroom curriculum is always sure to get the attention of the students who not only needs to see but also need to hear.
Every child learns differently and deserves a fair chance when it comes to learning. There are many children in a classroom, and there are multiple effective ways in which each child can be catered to. YouTube has proven to be an effective way to help students of all ages engage in what they’re being taught. For many, it’s a secondary teacher who helps better express something in a way that they themselves may not be able to do. YouTube isn’t meant to replace teachers, but it is a free source of education that can assist in effective learning.