The Complete Guide to Shiny Hunting in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Pokémon fans around the world are captivated by the thrill of shiny hunting. Catching a rare and elusive shiny Pokémon is a major achievement, and it adds a unique element to gameplay. But how do you go about shiny hunting? Is it simply a matter of luck, or are there specific strategies you can use to increase your odds of success?
In this article, we’ll be diving into the complete guide to shiny hunting in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the two fan-made rom hacks of Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. If you’re a fan of these games and want to catch all the shinies, keep reading.
What is Shiny Hunting?
Before we dive into the details of shiny hunting, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. Shiny hunting is the process of catching a shiny Pokémon, which is an alternate colored version of a normal Pokémon. They’re not any stronger than their non-shiny counterparts, but they’re extremely rare and highly sought after by collectors and players alike.
The odds of finding a shiny Pokémon in the wild are approximately 1 in 4,096. That means you could potentially encounter 4,096 Pokémon without finding a shiny one. However, there are ways to increase your chances of finding one, which we’ll explore below.
Shiny Hunting in Scarlet and Violet
Shiny hunting in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet isn’t too different from shiny hunting in other games. However, there are a few things to keep in mind as you embark on your quest for shinies.
1. Shiny Charm
Getting a Shiny Charm in Scarlet and Violet is quite easy. All you have to do is defeat the Elite Four and talk to the Game Freak member in Celadon City. This item increases your odds of finding a shiny Pokémon in the wild by three times. It’s important to obtain the Shiny Charm quickly as you begin your shiny hunting journey, as it will make a significant difference in your odds.
2. Masuda Method
The Masuda Method is a shiny hunting strategy that involves breeding Pokémon from two different language games. In Scarlet and Violet, you can take advantage of this method by trading with players from different regions or by using the GTS (Global Trade System). When you breed Pokémon from two different language games, your odds of hatching a shiny Pokémon increase to approximately 1 in 682.
3. Chain Fishing
In Scarlet and Violet, you can also shiny hunt using a technique called chain fishing. This method involves fishing in the same spot multiple times in a row, without moving or interrupting the chain. If you break the chain, your odds of finding a shiny start over. However, if you can chain fish successfully, your odds of finding a shiny can be as high as 1 in 200.
4. SOS Method
The SOS method involves battling a wild Pokémon and then waiting for it to call for reinforcements. When the reinforcements arrive, there’s a chance that one of them will be a shiny Pokémon. This method can be effective in Scarlet and Violet, but it requires patience and persistence. The more Pokémon you battle, the more likely you are to encounter a shiny one.
5. Soft Resetting
Finally, you can also shiny hunt using soft resetting. This method requires patience and a bit of luck, but it can be effective. Soft resetting involves saving the game before encountering a Legendary Pokémon, then battling it repeatedly until you find a shiny version. If you don’t find a shiny, simply reset the game and try again.