Teacher To Professor: Taking The Next Steps

If you are considering a career in education, there is no better place to start than becoming a teacher. However, if you want to become a professor, you will need to take the next steps. Here are some tips to help you on your way.
First, you will need to gain a degree in education. This will give you the foundation you need to teach, as well as the knowledge to research and write. Once you have a degree, you will need to pass a certification exam. This exam is designed to test your knowledge of education and the latest teaching techniques.
Once you have a certification, you will need to find a position as a teacher. You can do this by submitting your resume to online databases or newspapers. Once you have a position, you will need to apply for a position as a professor. This is a more difficult process, but if you are successful, you will be able to teach students and research new ideas.