SSH tip: Send commands remotely

Secure Shell (SSH) is a powerful tool for remotely accessing and managing computers. One of its many potential uses is to securely send and execute commands across different machines. In this article, we will explore how to use SSH for remote command execution and provide useful tips to make the process more efficient.
1. Basic Syntax for Remote Command Execution:
To execute a command on a remote machine via SSH, use the following syntax:
ssh user@remote_host “command”
Here, ‘user’ is the username on the remote machine, ‘remote_host’ refers to the IP address or hostname of the remote machine, and ‘command’ is the command you want to execute.
For example:
ssh john@ “ls /home/john/documents”
This command will remotely execute ‘ls /home/john/documents’ on the specified machine.
2. Using Public Key Authentication:
Instead of entering a password each time you connect, consider using public key authentication for improved security and convenience. To set this up, follow these steps:
a) On your local machine, generate an SSH key pair:
b) Copy your public key to the remote machine:
ssh-copy-id user@remote_host
Now you can connect without providing a password each time.
3. Executing Multiple Commands:
To execute multiple commands on a remote machine in a single SSH session, separate them with semicolons:
ssh user@remote_host “command1; command2; command3”
For example:
ssh john@ “cd /home/john/documents; ls; cat file.txt”
4. Running Commands in the Background:
To run a command on the remote host in the background without having to remain connected, use nohup and an ampersand (&):
ssh user@remote_host “nohup command &”
For example:
ssh john@ “nohup python &”
This command will ensure the script continues to run even after you disconnect.
5. Automate SSH Commands with Scripting:
To automate common tasks, create a shell script with the desired commands and execute it remotely using SSH:
ssh user@remote_host ‘bash -s’ <
Using SSH to send and execute commands remotely is an invaluable skill for any system administrator or developer. By leveraging its features, you can easily manage multiple machines, automate tasks, and keep your systems running smoothly. Remember to always follow best security practices when working with SSH, such as using public key authentication and keeping your software up-to-date.