Spotify Is Discontinuing Duo Mix: Here’s What You Need to Know

Spotify announced recently that it is discontinuing the Duo Mix feature available to Spotify Premium Duo subscribers. This news comes as a big disappointment to many current subscribers who have grown to love this unique feature.
Spotify introduced the Duo Mix feature in 2020 alongside their Premium Duo service, which is designed to cater to couples or two individuals who live together. The feature aimed to make music sharing between two people easier by generating a personalized playlist based on the listening habits of both parties.
The Duo Mix playlist was created by analyzing the listening history of both individuals on the account and utilizing Spotify’s algorithm. The result was a unique playlist that combined the favorite tracks of both listeners, making it an excellent way for couples to share music while discovering new artists.
The news of the discontinuation of Duo Mix has understandably stirred frustration among current subscribers, but Spotify has stated that the move is to make way for exciting new features that will enhance the Premium Duo user experience. While the specifics of what these features are yet to be announced, it’s a promising sign that Spotify is always striving to improve its services and offerings.
Fortunately, Duo Mix will still be available to current subscribers until September 2021. After the discontinuation, Spotify claims that they will replace it with new features that will further enhance the Premium Duo offering. Spotify did not provide any additional information on what these new features might include, but it’s an exciting promise nonetheless.
For subscribers who love the Duo Mix feature and want to continue enjoying it after its discontinuation, Spotify recommends using the Create Similar Playlist feature. To do this, a duo can create a new playlist, select a track from the Duo Mix playlist and click on the Create Similar Playlist option. This feature will create a new playlist with similar music, making it a quick and easy way to continue enjoying the music you love with your partner.
In conclusion, while the news of the discontinuation of the Duo Mix feature may come as a disappointment to current users, it’s important to keep in mind that Spotify is always exploring new ways to enhance the user experience. The forthcoming new features are bound to bring exciting changes and improvements to the Premium Duo subscription. Until then, subscribers can continue to enjoy Duo Mix until it is removed in September.