Should I Use YouTube For Employee Training?

YouTube is a great way to provide employee training. The video platform is easy to use and can be accessed from any device. Plus, videos can be easily shared with employees, which makes it a great way to get training organized and delivered quickly.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using YouTube for employee training. First, make sure to choose videos that are appropriate for your employees. Some videos that are appropriate for employees might be educational videos about company policies or procedures, while others might be videos about specific products or services.
Second, be sure to create enough training videos. Not every employee will need the same level of training, so it is important to make sure that there are enough videos to go around. Additionally, make sure to keep the videos updated. If a new policy or procedure is introduced, make sure to add a training video about it.
Overall, YouTube is a great way to provide employee training. Just be sure to use it wisely, and make sure to keep the training updated.